After delivery, I had read somewhere on the interwebz that the cool moms were receiving ‘push presents.’ Gifts from their spouse, relatives, friends, what have you, for I don’t know what exactly, pushing a human through your vagina? Isn’t this what women have been doing since the beginning of time. Why did that deserve a present? Although I hated the idea, I secretly wanted a present. At the time though, I remember feeling like I did not deserve a ‘push present.’ For I had only just lay there like Jesus on the cross and had someone rip her out of me because I had a c-section.
I felt guilty that I did not have a vaginal delivery. Isn’t that the natural, normal way to have a birth? Why was I thinking like this? The mom guilt and comparison already start in the womb! It needs to stop. It should start by changing the way we speak about c-sections. The language should be cesarean births or cesarean deliveries. Let’s change this culture by changing the way we speak about births.
And stop with the push presents. Why do you need a present because you gave birth? Women have been giving birth forever. Your gift is your baby. Okay, rant over.
What do you all think? For those who have had cesarean births, did you feel guilty that you did not deliver vaginally? What are your thoughts on ‘push presents.’